Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Post 8 Deviance

The new topic we have learned about in class has been about deviance, deviance is behaviors that violate social norms. In class we have been talking about what is considered as deviance. In different states having possession of marijuana varies In Montana selling a pound of marijuana, first offense, could lead to a life sentence, whereas in New Mexico selling 10,000 pounds of marijuana, first offense, could be punished with a prison term of no more than three years. Its crazy how people view marijuana so differently depending on where you live, it is more or less deviant.  Another example of deviance in the TV show Freaks and Geeks, lindsey the main character experiences with marijuana for the first time and doesn't even get caught but her other friends own as freaks, burnouts, or trouble makers it is more reasonable for them to get caught because they are expected to be deviant. Hippies during the 60s protesting the war shows example of deviant behavior because they protested against the war, experimented with drugs, and dressed differently. All of these things were against the social norms of the 60s. Another aspect of showing deviance is based on social class. We talked about how when people have more money, they can cover up deviance easier than a person with less money. Its interesting how you compare Stevenson kids with kids who go to school in a lower class neighborhood. I feel when Stevenson kids are caught, for example smoking weed and doing other drugs its considered way more deviant than kids in a lower class school, because people assume kids in a lower class neighborhood are doing deviant things. 


  1. The Marijuana thing is so ridiculous! It shows how different the norms are between countries. Lets all just move to Mexico! jk

  2. I disagree with the deviance and drugs at school claim that you make. I think that other schools punish that mush more harshly. One example is the story of the school in Florida that I posted on my blog.
